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Total : 10 results found
Week in Review: A difficult path to truth and remembrance
...Bogota correspondent Christine Renaudat. “The text stresses that the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, to be set up under the agreement, will have full means to…
Peace and justice for Colombia?
In Colombia, FARC rebels and the government last week signed a revised peace deal to end half a decade of civil war. But the opposition…
Colombia Puts Civil War Archives Online
The archives of Colombia’s National Centre of Historic Remembrance (CNMH) were put online a month ago. They comprise just over 160,000 documents compiled over four…
Week in Review: A Historic Judgment for Africa record history and preserve the memory of what happened, as explained by JusticeInfo’s Colombia correspondent Christine Renaudat, who tells how this country has put…
The week in review: from Colombia to Burundi
...correspondent Christine Renaudat. “As I said recently in an editorial, it’s unrealistic to think the guerrilla commanders waged war for 50 years to become municipal…
Replacing Arms with Ideas in Colombia
Colombian political scientist Ariel Avila is a specialist on the country’s guerrilla movement. He talked to JusticeInfo about the last hurdles to overcome before a…
Native Colombians Prepare for Peace
The indigenous people of southwest Colombia, known for years of unarmed resistance to guerillas, hope to be remembered in the peace accord between the government…
Bogota Centre pioneers remembrance in Colombia
Bogota’s Centre for Remembrance, Peace and Reconciliation (CMPR), opened in December 2012, aims to be a meeting space rather than a museum. The monolithic, earth-coloured…
Doris Salcedo, considered to be one of Colombia’s most important artists, only speaks rarely to the press. This solitude feeds her work, which is a…
José Antequera was five years old when his father was shot dead by a Colombian death squad. This young lawyer and founder of the HIJOS…