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Total : 9 results found
Banks and climate justice - Financiers are now in the sights of NGOs seeking to prove their involvement in global warming.
Banks, the new targets of climate action
COP28 ended in Dubai on Tuesday December 12 without any credible promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are more and more scientific reports…
Climate change - Thick black smoke billows from an oil refinery. A plane flies in the sky.
Climate justice: Pressure is mounting on fossil fuel producers
...COP 27: When Russian activists dare to take the Kremlin to court BENJAMIN BIBAS Environmental activist Benjamin Bibas founded Radiofonies Europe / La fabrique documentaire…
Climate justice - A camel in a desert in Saudi Arabia. In the background, an oil facility of the oil giant Saudi Aramco.
Redefining climate justice
...are no longer Western, explains Benjamin Bibas, a journalist specializing in this field. The COP27 climate conference opens in Egypt on November 6. Since the…
Indigenous people are winning court battles
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SERIES (2/3) The Amazonian ecosystem is under threat, yet indigenous people have been fighting for it for more than 20 years before the…
Justice Info's ASP external event: Ecocide, the ICC and multilevel litigation for a global crisis and author of the Oslo Principles --- Presentation of “12 voices on Global Justice” A compilation by of critical views on transitional justice…
Christel Cournil: Now is the time to link the climate issue to human rights
...rights, still be respected if it is not now supported by a right to a sustainable climate and a healthy environment? Interviewed by Benjamin Bibas…
Climate law moves from human to nature-centred rights
Since the legal victory of the environmental NGO Urgenda against the Dutch state in June 2015, there has been an increase in the number of…
Valérie Cabanes: icc should recognize the crime of ecocide
...reconcile nature and human beings, or that law be introduced recognizing the principle of interdependence between them. Interviewed by Benjamin Bibas / La fabrique documentaire.…
International Criminal Justice Should Tackle Environmental Destruction
...thus be the core element of a binding architecture of international environmental law. *- Benjamin Bibas et Marie Toussaint (Europe Ecologie les Verts, France) -…