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Total : 18 results found
Cambodia's Duch and the analysis of a killer
...Découverte). She spoke to What do you think makes Duch both similar and different from other war criminals? Françoise Sironi: What is different…
Post-Charlottesville: Should we write off the past?
...affects the present and future. This is the drama that played out recently in Charlottesville. Through the fate of General Lee’s statue, what was at…
Syria and the lessons to be learned from Carla Del Ponte’s resignation as to shame them and dissuade others from associating with them. This "naming and shaming" approach was the reason United Nations Commissions of Inquiry…
International Justice Day: From dreams to challenges
...witnessing, deepening inequalities within society both in developed and developing countries, and the anger and frustration they generate. President Trump’s unilateralist policies, including drastic cuts…
Uganda’s amnesty law and the peace/justice dilemma
...kidnapped tens of thousands of boys and girls. It has turned them into pitiless child soldiers, drugged them and made them into killer robots and…
Government cynicism and the transitional justice dream in crisis
...1990s and integrated into the vision of the time, when the US was the only Superpower and people dreamed of societies moving towards a democratic…
Is Africa doing better than Europe on new regional criminal courts?
...judges in Dakar were preparing to convict Hissène Habré, Dick Marty was reminding a public forum at Neuchâtel University (Switzerland) of European Union failures to…
Turkish obstruction keeps Geneva’s Armenian genocide memorial in public eye
...than monuments,” he wrote. “There is no doubt they are erected to be seen and draw attention. But they are at the same time `waterproofed`…
Can satellite imagery still prove war crimes?
...ground to flag the territory for satellite surveillance and enrich the information gathered; the lack of analysts capable of “reading” and interpreting the images; and…
Week in Review:Judicial complaint in Spain against Syrian regime sets precedent
...notes Pierre Hazan, JusticeInfo editorial advisor and associate professor at the University of Neuchâtel. The new challenge of transitional justice “Apart from a few exceptions,…