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Total : 71 results found
Tunisia Truth Commission highlights four arms of oppression
Tunisia’s Truth and Dignity Commission will officially conclude its work at the end of this year. At a closing conference on December 14 and 15…
Tunisia and the Struggle for Individual Rights, an interview with Slim Laghmani
...on equal inheritance rights for women. Philosopher and jurist Slim Laghmani is one of the nine members of Colibe. In an interview with JusticeInfo’s Tunis…
Week in Review: The importance of remembrance
...he admits, reparations “help to make the court relevant to society, beyond what is happening here in the courtrooms”. Tunisia Victims are also left asking…
Week in Review: ICC withdrawals and fragile transitional justice
...the president does not say is that the Commission is behind schedule also because of its various internal crises,” writes our correspondent Olfa Belhassine in…
Week in Review: Questions in Tunisia, and Switzerland returns stolen funds
...recurrent”, writes JusticeInfo’s correspondent in Tunis Olfa Belhassine. With 60,000 victims’ cases registered at the Commission, the questions are many. What kind of transitional justice…
Week in Review: Rule of law under threat in Tanzania and Tunisia all its voices,” says our correspondent. These voices are less and less audible in the Tunisian public space and media,” says film director Michel…
Human Rights Watch slams police brutality and slow reform in Tunisia
Human Rights Watch recently published two reports on the human rights situation in Tunisia. One concerns police brutality during a wave of protests in January…
Week in Review: Testing times for TJ from Kosovo to Burundi” Finally Tunisia, last hope for a model democratic transition in the wake of the Arab Spring, is worrying the specialists of International Crisis Group,…
Week in Review: Gambia, Mali, Tunisia and Iraq the national courts”. Transitional justice also in Tunisia, where people are working on remembrance of the Revolution. Our correspondent Olfa Belhassine explains how a…
Week in Review: Hope in Guinea, disappointment in Togo, impunity in Burundi
...basic consumer goods and, in our opinion, will deepen the social divide in Tunisia,” explains one of the campaign organizers, Koussai Ben Fradj, who talked…