Transitional justice blind spots

When justice is muzzled in the face of serious crimes

In different parts of the world, situations of great violence sometimes look like a dead end for those seeking justice. These are the “blind spots” of transitional justice, where the geopolitical context blocks any real initiative to seek truth, reparation or retribution. They appear slowly or brutally on the world map. They are mainly linked to wars or to solidly authoritarian regimes. Some of these impasses are temporary; others are very long-lasting. In the absence of credible, official justice initiatives, it escapes the scope of Justice Info’s coverage. Yet it would be inexplicable to ignore them completely. This section offers insights into these blind spots.

Crimes against Afghan women drive push to recognize “gender apartheid”

Richard Bennett, UN Special Rapporteur on Afghanistan, told the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday that violations against women and girls in that country were “so severe and extensive” that “they may amount to crimes against humanity”. In Iran too, repression against women is systemic. Women protesters since September 2022 have been killed, imprisoned, raped, […]
By Julia Crawford (Justice Info)
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