Truth Commissions

In search of the causes of violence, listening to the victims

Truth commissions in the field of transitional justice are pillars in the quest for truth in societies that have decided to confront dark periods of their history, whether after a conflict, a dictatorship, or specific crimes committed, for example, against an indigenous population. Justice Info covers truth commissions when they play a significant role in addressing the most serious crimes of the past.

Central African Republic: why the Truth Commission was dismissed

The Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission (CVJRR) of the Central African Republic has been sacked and replaced. On May 3 2024, it saw a unit of the internal security forces close its offices. Later, the government announced the suspension of its eleven commissioners’ mandates. At the same time, a call for candidates was published […]
By Rodrigue le Roi Benga (our correspondent in Bangui, Central African Republic)
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