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Total : 85 results found
ICC Registrar withdraws candidacy for new mandate
...the Netherlands had been sharply criticized for his management of the Court, especially in the context of the ReVision reform plan, aspects of which were…
ICC under fire for internal mismanagement
...of the Registrar, who was accused of wanting to put his people not only in the ReVision team but also in the posts that would…
Week in Review: ICC internal management, Tunisia and DRC
...our correspondent Stéphanie Maupas. “The judges in Geneva found that redundancy procedures put in place by the Registrar were `without legal foundation and, therefore, unlawful`.…
Wake up to suffering of Georgian victims, NGOs tell international court
...(ICC) opened an investigation, they are calling on the Court to go faster. In The Hague, the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) asserts that the…
Afghanistan: NGO urges ICC not to forget Guantanamo crimes
...held without charge. The CCR is also representing Guled Hassan Duran from Somalia, who was arrested in 2004 in Djibouti and sent to Guantanamo in…
Week in Review: ICC debates “crime of aggression” as Yemen suffers and Croatia denies British forces in Iraq between March 2003 and July 2009,” writes our correspondent in The Hague Stéphanie Maupas. “The Prosecutor points to murder, cruel…
Children’s drawings as evidence of war crimes
...anything, but they started drawing the most amazing, very precise images of the war. In them we could see the attacks on the towns, the…
Week in Review: Victory for justice in Bosnia, and stigmatized girls in the DRC
...writes our correspondent in The Hague Stéphanie Maupas, “survivors of which came to testify at the court during the four years of Ratko Mladic’s trial.”…
Historic judgment on Bosnian Serb military chief Mladic
...deemed favourable to the Croats, so as not to "put the Serb people in the jaws of [Franjo] Tudjman”, the nationalist Croat president at the…
Key verdict due on Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic
...the judges to convict Ratko Mladic for genocide. Shortly before leaving Sarajevo to attend the verdict in The Hague, the president of the Mothers of…