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Total : 323 results found
Victim of militias in 2003 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ruth Biangire was able to benefit from the help of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Photo: Ruth Biangire poses in her store, where she sells petrol in cans and bottles.
ICC/DRC: Reparations leave victims feeling sore (2/2)
...the neighbouring territory of Djugu, when she was selling bananas to help her mother feed her family. Barely 12 at the time, she was raped,…
International Criminal Court (ICC) reparations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Photo: Farmer Kiza Nzungu Bwanafasi with his cows in Ituri province (DRC).
ICC/DRC: Reparations leave Bogoro victims feeling sore (1/2)
...produce an average 40 litres of milk a day, which I sold to feed and look after my children and send them to school. But…
Al Hassan trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Photo: ICC judges enter the courtroom where Al Hassan is charged with crimes committed in Mali.
Sentencing Al Hassan, and his judges
...The pictures painted by the prosecution and defence of Al Hassan the man, his actions and his motivations were completely at odds. Al Hassan played…
Occupation of Palestine by Israel: the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issues its ruling. Photo: a bulldozer operates at a construction site in Givat HaMatos, an Israeli settlement suburb of annexed east Jerusalem.
Israeli occupation of Palestine: strong reactions after ICJ ruling
...Kingdom. “So many areas that were not expected, agrees Hassan ben Imran, of the NGO Law for Palestine and the Irish Centre for Human Rights…
Al-Hassan trial at the ICC - Photo: 3 judges of the International Criminal Court (Tomoko Akane, Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua and Kimberly Prost) sit in The Hague.
Is the ICC Al Hassan judgement a mess or the future?
...handed down their verdict in the case of Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud. The case against ‘Mr. Al Hassan’ was protracted,…
Acquitted twice in Finland on charges of war crimes in Liberia, Gibril Massaquoi is claiming more than 800,000 euros in financial compensation. Photo: Massaquoi, wearing a dark suit, laughs during an interview with Justice Info.
Gibril Massaquoi tries for the jackpot
...concerns that Massaquoi’s involvement in representing clients, including Agnes Reeves-Taylor in defamation lawsuits, against justice activists such as Hassan Bility of the Global Justice and…
ICC / Mali - Photo: Abdoulaziz Al Hassan on the day of his trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
ICC/Mali: Al Hassan verdict leaves bitter taste
On June 26, the International Criminal Court found Abdoulaziz Al Hassan, former head of the Islamic police in Timbuktu, Mali, guilty of crimes against humanity…
Arrest warrant issued by the French courts against Bashar Al-Assad (Syrian President), in connection with the 2013 chemical attacks in Syria. Photo: Poster in a Syrian street showing Al-Assad with a gas mask over his face.
Setback for Bashar al-Assad before the French courts his brother Maher -- then head of the Syrian army's fourth division -- and two generals, Ghassan Abbas and Bassam al-Hassan. The anti-terror prosecutors…
Gender apartheid for women in Iran and women in Afghanistan - Photo: a woman wearing a hijab walks down a street, closely followed by a Taliban patrol.
Crimes against Afghan women drive push to recognize “gender apartheid”
...Al Hassan case. The Malian Al Hassan has been on trial at the ICC on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including sexual…
Oleksandr Kostornyi, a former KGB officer, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Ukraine for high treason. Photo: Kostornyi is pressed up against the glass of the dock, his hand resting on it, facing his reflection.
Kostornyi, the former KGB officer found guilty of high treason
...attended court hearings, expecting a punishment. Kostornyi burdened the court with numerous motions. He complained about the bias of the press and accused the court…