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Total : 107 results found
Week in Review: Tunisian trial and questions on UN judge selection pointed out by JusticeInfo editorial advisor Pierre Hazan, who questions the way the United Nations selects its judges. “International criminal justice puts forward the…
Week in Review: Views on the ICC and violence in Mali
...seems under threat from a dangerous escalation of violence. Researchers Yvan Guichaoua and Dougoukolo Alpha Oumar Ba-Konaré talked to about recent events. Guichaoua questions…
Week in Review: Israeli impunity and Gambian perseverance
...arm of their political adversaries, including Israel,” writes The STL did not support its staff, and Robert Roth believes he was clearly the victim…
Week in Review: ICC and universal jurisdiction slowly making a mark
...than ever, in both developing and developed countries, as JusticeInfo notes. This is the case in countries such as the United States, Turkey, Egypt, Hungary…
OPINION: Justice and press freedom go hand in hand
...or sexy enough for much coverage in the media and on social networks. Not seductive enough, as Ms Burstner would say. We at will…
Week in Review: The importance of remembrance
This week, examined the significance of a memorial to the Armenian genocide recently inaugurated in a Geneva park. “Despite opposition from Ankara, the “Streetlights…
Week in Review: Gambia forgotten, CAR at risk
...sitting somewhere listening to that. Your heart breaks once again.” In an interview filmed on, Marion Volkmann, a human rights activist from Human Rights…
Week in Review: Victims feel ignored in Mali, Gambia and Tunisia
...violations against people, notably women, during the Jihadist occupation of northern Mali. But satisfaction is mixed with bitterness, as JusticeInfo’s Bamako correspondent Bokar Sangaré writes.…
Week in Review: ICC withdrawals and fragile transitional justice ICC investigation and so accelerating the conclusion of the Prosecutor’s preliminary examination.” Leiden University researcher Sergey Vasiliev told he thinks these dramatic announcements…
Week in Review: Questions in Tunisia, and Switzerland returns stolen funds
Tunisia’s transition is certainly chaotic, but it is also lively and resilient, as showed this week. This country, last bastion of the Arab Spring,…