The following 6 articles, presented in a slide show format (scroll horizontally), are sorted by date of publication, from the most recent to the oldest.
Colombia: the day FARC leaders faced victims of kidnappings
The day of reckoning has finally arrived, between June 21 and 23 in Colombia, when seven former commanders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) faced their victims in the kidnapping of thousands of people. Following a similar hearing with army officials in April, it was another milestone for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace […]
In Colombia, the end of a mother’s 20-year quest for a missing daughter
Arnobia Gutiérrez’s quest is about to finally come to an end as soon as she receives, in a solemn ceremony, the remains of her daughter Natalia who had been missing for 20 years after she was recruited as a child by the ELN guerrilla in Medellín. The remains were found and exhumed by Colombia’s Unit […]
First Ukraine war crime trial through the eyes of a local court reporter
Under normal circumstances, this trial could have lasted several years. The first war crime trial of a Russian serviceman was one of intense interest and rare speed in Ukraine. A young sergeant, Vadim Shishimarin, who pleaded guilty to the murder of a civilian, was sentenced yesterday to life in jail. Both Ukrainian society and the […]
Pardoning “witches” of the Middle Ages: A symbol for our times?
Recently in Spain, the Catalan regional parliament formally pardoned hundreds of women executed between the 15th and 18th centuries because they were "witches". Scotland’s parliament could soon do the same, while other places in Europe and the United States have already made similar moves. Activists say such actions are relevant to our times of rumour […]
Bitter Christmas in Niger for the international justice stateless
Even in their worst nightmares, the eight Rwandans never imagined being in a worse dead-end than the one they were living in Arusha. Although they were acquitted or released years ago from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), no country wanted them. These famous stateless were no longer expecting much when suddenly they were […]
Whitewashing the sins of the state and the church in Ireland
In January, the report of an enquiry in the history of Ireland’s mother and baby homes was published. It intended to draw a line under last century’s notorious abuses in government and church-run institutions. Instead it has been condemned as a secretive and anti-human rights whitewash that is failing to provide accountability for the victims […]