Arusha, September 6, 2001 (FH) - A death row inmate testifying for theprosecution in the so-called Media trial at the International CriminalTribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) was on Thursday ordered to produce a notebookcontaining crimes committed in his home area and names of suspects whoallegedly committed the crimes. The witness told the court that he wrotethe notebook as he was being informed of charges against him by the publicprosecutor in Rwanda in October 2000.

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Witness AHI, named as such to protect his identity, pleaded guilty togenocide in Rwanda and was sentenced to death. He is jailed in thenorthwest Rwandan province of Gisenyi. AHI is testifying in the so-called Media trial that groups three suspectslinked to so-called "hate media" in Rwanda before and during the 1994genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda. They are Ferdinand Nahimana, founder memberand alleged former director of Radio-Télévision Libre des Mille Collines(RTLM); Jean-Bosco-Barayagwiza, former politician and RTLM board member;and Hassan Ngeze, former editor of the newspaper Kangura. Defence lawyers on Tuesday raised the possibility that the witness wasreading from a text, but the court checked and found that this was not thecase. However, he on Thursday mentioned the notebook, leading Ngeze's USlawyer John Floyd to demand its production. Floyd said it was clear thatthe witness had been coached, and that he was testifying like a politiciangiving a speech. Floyd demanded that the witness produce the notebook. The court authorized the parties to inspect the book. Presiding JudgeNavanethem Pillay of South Africa said the Chamber would "considerrelevancy before allowing cross-examination on the notebook". Meanwhile, Ngeze was granted his request to put his own questions to thewitness, after cross-examination by his lawyers. He is expected to do thiswhen the trial resumes on Monday. Ngeze has been asking since April to have his Tribunal-paid lawyersdismissed. He has been allowed to cross-examine a witness in this trialbefore. The case is before Trial Chamber One of the ICTR, composed of judgesPillay, Erik Mose of Norway and Asoka de Zoysa Gunawardana of Sri Lanka. GG/JC/FH (ME0906e)