Arusha, June 6, 2002 (FH) - Former Mayor of Ngoma and genocide accused Joseph Kanyabashi incited the killings of Tutsis in his commune a prosecution witness told the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). The thirteenth prosecution witness was testifying the trial of six people accused of genocide crimes in Butare province (south of Rwanda).

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They are former Minister for Family Affairs and Gender Issues Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and her son Arsene Shalom Ntahobali, former Butare prefects Sylvain Nsabimana and Alphonse Nteziryayo and former mayors of Ngoma Joseph Kanyabashi and Muganza, Elie Ndayambaje. The witness known only as "QP" for protection of her identity is a genocide survivor from the Ngoma commune. She alleged that on a certain date in the month of April 1994 she saw Kanyabashi in a vehicle traversing the sectors in the commune and making announcements using a public address system. He allegedly urged that the people clear the weeds starting by gathering them together. QP said this meant that Tutsis should be killed according to what her father explained to her. Kanyabashi is charged with genocide, complicity to commit genocide, crimes against humanity direct and public incitement to commit genocide among other counts. He has pleaded not guilty. Prior to QP's testimony, witness SJ who started her testimony on May 28th, gave evidence. SJ testified mainly against Nyiramasuhuko and her son Ntahobali as well as former prefect Nsabimana. During cross-examination of SJ the defence lawyers noted contradictions, omissions and inconsistencies between the written statements of the witness and her oral testimony in court. The witness replied that differences might have occurred because she may have forgotten some facts, which she then raised in court, or because there may have been errors made by the investigators whom she said did not want her to go into details. She also said there may have been errors in translation from her maternal language Kinyarwanda to French or English. The Butare trial, which started on June 13, 2001, comprises the largest number of individuals in a joint trial before the Tribunal. Witness QP continued with her testimony on Thursday morning before ICTR's Trial Chamber Two, composed of Judges William Hussein Sekule of Tanzania (presiding), Arlette Ramaroson (Madagascar) Winston Churchill Matanzima Maqutu (Lesotho). BN/SW/FH (BT-0606e)