Arusha, December 11, 2003 (FH) - The trial of four former Rwandan cabinet ministers could not proceed on Thursday at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as one of the defence attorneys was sick. The chamber heard that Michelyne Chénard Saint-Laurent (Canada) lead counsel for Casimir Bizimungu is unwell.

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Saint-Laurent was set to cross-examine the sixth prosecution witness dubbed GBK who testified mainly against Bizimungu in his chief examination. Bizimungu (former minister for health) is jointly accused with the former minister of Foreign Affairs Jérôme Bicamumpaka, that of Commerce, Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza, former minister of Public Service. They are each charged with six counts including genocide and crimes against humanity. The trial was adjourned to Friday. The trial is before Trial Chamber Two where Judge Asoka de Zoysa Gunawardana (Sri Lanka) is presiding assisted by judges Lee Muthoga (Kenya) and Khalida Rashid Khan (Pakistan)PJ/KN/AT/FH (GVII'1211e)