The defence began their case on October 27th. The last three witnesses are one factual witness dubbed DD, who will begin his testimony on Monday, French history professor Bernard Lugan who will testify as an expert and finally the accused. The accusation closed its case on September 30, after calling fifteen witnesses. The accused was arrested in Verviers, Belgium, on July 12, 2001, and transferred to Arusha two months later. He is defended by two French counsels, Pascal Besnier and Guillaume Marçais. The accusation team is led by Charles Adeogun- Phillips, from Nigeria. Ndindabahizi 53, is charged with three counts including genocide and crimes against humanity (extermination and murder). He allegedly perpetrated massacres of civilians in his home prefecture of Kibuye, western Rwanda. The trial is before Trial Chamber One composed of judges Erik Mose (Norway) presiding, Khalida Rachid Khan (Pakistan) and Solomy Balungi Bossa (Uganda). PJ/CE/FH (NB'1114e)