Arusha, April 19, 2004 (FH) - A self-confessed killer who is also the 50th prosecution witness in the so called "Butare trial", Monday told the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) that Tutsi women and children were hunted down and killed in his area shortly after the former prefect of Butare (southern Rwanda), Colonel Alphonse Nteziryayo incited the population. The witness code-named "QBY " to conceal his identity, has already confessed to the Rwandan judicial authorities to having participated in the killing of two people; a woman and a child, during the 1994 genocide.

1 min 16Approximate reading time

QBY said that Col. Nteziryayo, who is one of the six acused in this trial, incited the population to kill the Tutsis after he himself had been incited by Lieutenant Colonel Tharcisse Muvunyi (a commander at the military college - Ecole des sous officiers (ESO) in Butare, also awaiting trial in Arusha). "Tutsi children and women married to Hutus were snatched away and killed," said the witness in response to ICTR prosecuting counsel Jonathan Moses who wanted to know what happened after a meeting addressed by Col. Nteziryayo at Mamba sector in Butare. QBY further elaborated that the killing started after the accused and Lt. Col Muvunyi left the area for Mugusa to deliver the same message to other parts of the population. Part of the examination in-chief was conducted in camera. The chamber had earlier concluded the cross examination of the previous witness dubbed RK which was conducted totally behind closed doors. Nteziryayo is co-accused with the former minister for Family and Women Affairs, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko; her son and militia leader, Arsene Shalom Ntahobali ; another former prefect of Butare, Sylvain Nsabimana; and two former mayors: Elie Ndayambaje, of Muganza commune and Joseph Kanyabashi of Ngoma. All have pleaded not guilty to genocide and crimes against humanity. The trial is taking place in Trial Chamber Two of the ICTR, composed of Judge William Hussein Sekule of Tanzania (presiding), Judge Arlette Ramaroson from Madagascar and Judge Solomy Balungi Bossa of Uganda. NI/KN/JA/GF/FH (BT''0419e)