The witness, a former Interahamwe militia, made the revelation during cross-examination by Nzirorera's lead counsel, Peter Robinson of USA. GFA said that two of the victims were women. The witness had initially refused to answer Robinson's question on the number of Tutsis he killed until the presiding Judge Andresia Vaz (Senegal) asked him the question. GFA has confessed to genocide crimes and is waiting to be sentenced by the Rwandan national courts. The witness further testified that after the death of President Habyarimana, he and other Interahamwe went to the house of Nzirorera's mother in Mukingoon the morning of April 7th 1994. The group was then informed by local leaders who had spoken to Nzirorera on the phone in Kigali that the killing of Tutsis was to begin immediately. GFA continues with his testimony on Tuesday. The ICTR will be closed on Friday and Monday next week for the Good Friday and Easter Monday break. Government One trial is taking place in Trial Chamber Three of the ICTR composed of Judge Andresia Vaz from Senegal, (presiding) and ad litem judges Flavia Lattanzi from Italy and Florence Rita Arrey from Cameroon. PJ/CE/FH (GVI''0408e)