Arusha, 08 June 2007 (FH) - The general secretary for the Commonwealth, Don McKinnon, met on Friday the highest staff of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) at its headquaters in Arusha, Tanzania.

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The secreatry general for the Commonwealth «has promised to supporta promis the ICTR work for the international justice», indicated the tribunal statement.

« He also praised the work done by the tribunal in promoting the international justice and the national reconciliation in Rwanda»,The statement continued to say.

During that visit, McKinnon had a talk with the the president of ICTR, juge Dennis Byron, the prosecutor in chief, Hassan Bubacar Jallow as well as the registrar in chief, Adama Dieng.

The main objective of the discussion was based on « the cooperation and the judicial assistance » within countries which are members of the organisation dealing with the arrestation of accused sought by the ICTR.

Eighteen accused like are in exile. Those suspected include a person with the Argentina nationality who is charged with genocide and a milionnear Félicien Kabuga who should be living in Kenya, the country member of Commonwealth as it has stated by the ICTR.

Created by the Security Council in November 1994, the ICTR , at that day has pronounced 28 condamned and 5 acquitted.

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