The news was announced on the airwaves of the governmental radio station,
Radio Rwanda, by the Attorney General, Martin Ngoga and the Foreign
Minister, Charles Murigande.
For the minister, the fact that this man came from Lyon (center-east
France) with a French passport is another proof that "France has become
the refuge of those responsible for the genocide". "As you know it, France
shelters many persons responsible for the genocide who continue to
circulate there freely", stated the head of the Rwandan diplomacy.
Kamali, who worked with at the Ministry of Public Works during the
genocide, had resided in Senegal before reaching France, indicated Ngoga
on the same airwaves.
There is no extradition treaty between Kigali and Washington but Ngoga,
who made his announcement from New York where he is on mission, promised
to see with the American authorities what action will be taken following
this arrest.
© Hirondelle News Agency