Kigali, 13 August 2007(FH) - Laurien Ntezimana, a Rwandan who saved several Tutsis during the genocide, is not on the list of people who recently received certificates of merit and recognition on behalf of Ibuka, the principal association for the defence of the interests of survivors, he indicated in an email to the Hirondelle news agency.

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In a dispatch published by the Hirondelle news agency on 6 August entitled "Ibuka gives certificates to savers of Tutsis", the name of Laurien Ntezimana was included by error on this list.

The interested party affirmed that that was never the case and a confirmation was obtained from Ibuka.

The people who actually received these certificates are Sosthène Munyurabatware of the Western province, Enos Rwabulindi of the Northern province, Léonard Rurangirwa of the Southern province, Josephine Mukashyaka of Kigali and Jérôme Ruzagiriza of the Eastern province. It is the latter who was confused with Ntezimana.

Originating from Munyaga in the Rwamagana district, Ruzagiriza and his mother Nyirabagenzi hid several Tutsis, including little children. He was a refugee in Congo with them and brought them back to Rwanda safe after the genocide.

In his email, Ntezimana indicates "You wrongly included me in the list of the five to which this certificate was given. I was never informed by Ibuka."

He further adds: "I have just spoken by telephone to the President of Ibuka, Mr. Theodore Simburudari, who has just told me that Ibuka is thinking of giving me this certificate one day, but that it has not been done yet".

"Furthermore, I make it a point of firmly asking you not to continue to publish the falsehood that my wife would have opposed my action during the genocide. They are malevolent lies for which no one should put any faith in", the email concludes.

It was also learnt from Ibuka, that the five are not the first to receive certificates from the association since the end of the genocide. It was only this year that the event was publicized, it was specified.

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