Also proposed to form part of the group are the Egyptian magistrate Mohamed Amin El Mahdi and the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Nicolas Michel.
According to resolutions establishing the special tribunal for Lebanon, the Secretary-General names the judges and the prosecutor of this tribunal by holding into account the recommendations of the selection group which he designates himself, after having advised the Security Council.
The selection group is composed of two sitting or retired judges of an international tribunal, and the representative of the Secretary-General.
Judge El Mahdi served at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY); whereas Judge Mose currently sits at the ICTR, which he served as president during two consecutive mandates.
The creation of this tribunal will permit, according to the Secretary-General, to put an end to impunity for crimes committed in Lebanon, adds the United Nations news center.
Created in May, the Lebanon Tribunal will be located in The Hague, in the Netherlands.
It has the mandate to judge the authors of the attack that killed the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005, as well as the persons responsible for the many political assassinations committed in the country since, according to the elements which will be transmitted to it by the international investigation commission created by the Security Council.
© Hirondelle News Agency