Tubarimo, an orphan originally from the district of Bugesera, acknowledges to have killed his first victim on 14 August and the last on 23 November, indicates the Rwandan League for the Promotion and the Defence of Human Right (LIPRODHOR) quoting police sources.
After his release in December 2003, the young man initially devoted himself to thieving harvests and goats, according to LIPRODHOR, which led him more than once to the jail cells of the police.
It is in August that he began his dark episode, targeting young people transporting passengers with bicycles, indicates one of the same sources.
To attract his victims into his trap, he presented himself as a passenger and, at arriving at his home, he served the driver of the taxi-bicycle milk or beer, drinks that he had drugged.
The drink weakened, or knocked out, the naive victim that the torturer then killed with a hammer or a hoe before throwing it in one of the 23 graves dug beforehand inside the enclosure or in the surroundings.
The young murderer was arrested on 25 November when he hailed a taxi-bicycle, as usual.
Intrigued, the young driver asked where was the person who had driven him two days before.
The police was, thus, alerted and arrested Tubarimo, who acknowledged his crimes and showed the graves in which he had thrown the seven bodies.
A dozen alleged accomplices were also arrested, including Tubarimo’s sister, adds one of the same sources.
© Hirondelle News Agency