During the tour, he is planned to visit the genocide memorial centre in Kigali.
"The Secretary-General will be in Kigali for a ceremony at the genocide memorial", according to the UN Information Centre, without elaborating any details.
The visit was announced at the cabinet meeting by the head of the Rwandan Foreign Minister, Charles Murigande, on Friday.
A high powered delegation of Arusha-based International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), trying key perpetrators of the genocide, will travel to Rwanda for the occasion, Roland Amoussouga, spokesman of the UN Court told reporters on Tuesday.
The UN was accused during the 1994 genocide of not having done enough to stop the killings.
The UN has admitted of its failures.
This is the first trip to Rwanda by South Korean Ki-moon since he was elected to the post about a year.
The former Secretary General, Ghananian Koffi Annan visited Rwanda in 1998.
© Hirondelle News Agency