Kigali, 17 March 2008 (FH) - The transfers of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda(ICTR) genocide convicted prisoners to Rwanda is a challenge to negationists, according to Mr Theodore Simburudari, President of IBUKA, main association of genocide survivors.

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"It is for crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity that these people were arrested, tried and convicted by the international court. To imprison them in Rwanda represents a symbolic value, it is a challenge to negationism", he told Hirondelle Agency.

"These genocidaires imprisoned in the location of their victims, it will be a lesson for them[convicts] and Rwanda", he added.

The remarks follow the signing of an agreement early this month between the United Nations and the Rwandan Government in Kigali on the enforcement of sentences.

Theodore Ntalindwa, Director of Umwezi magazine said that "justice is not only punitive, it must first be preventive and curative".

The Rwandan government has built in Mpanga, South province, prison which meets international standards for ICTR prisoners.

The Registrar of ICTR, Mr Adama Dieng, who represented the UN at the signing, said that the accord would help to speed reconciliation in Rwanda.

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