Alphonse Hitiyaremye, deputy general prosecutor of Rwanda, has recommends for this purpose "the creation of rehabilitation centers and the acceleration of the criminal code reform".
"To this are added the clear definition of the crime of genocide ideology and of its constitutive acts, the education to refer to justice as soon as there is an infraction, the paving of a peaceful cohabitation on the basis unity and reconciliation", adds Hitiyaremye.
According to the 2007-2008 report on the trials having to do with genocide ideology, the constitutive acts of this crime were up to now "assassination (56 cases) and murder (11), poisoning (12), aggravated assault (522), arson (47), damage to goods (52) and cattle (21), negationnism and revisionism (243), discrimination (244) and threats (96)".
Among the 1, 304 reported cases, there were eight convictions to life in prison, 2 convictions to more than 20 years in prison, 36 between 10 and 20 years in prison, 96 between 5 and 10 years, 91 to less than 5 years and 102 acquittals, the report indicates.
The authors of the report recommend finding witnesses and survivors of the genocide for a better protection and an increased sensitization in the South Province, which counts to itself more than 50% of the current cases.
© Hirondelle News Agency