According to the indictment, the old woman was prosecuted for having had killed a man named Musafiri, penetrated a plant into genitalia of a young Tutsi girl, played a part in the murder of a young woman named Beatrice and several other people in Nyamirambo.
She was also accused of having looted goods belonging to Tutsis and stripped corpses of their clothes.
Sentenced in first instance on 15 July 2007, she had filed an appeal on 6 August of the same year.
"According to the provisions of article 91 of the institutional act no.16/2006 of June19 2004, the appellate court of Nyamirambo ruled the appeal of Mrs. Mukasekuru irreversible having exceeded the 15 days envisaged by the law", stated Musefano Mister, President of Appellate Court.
During the hearing of 12 October 2008, it was shown that the defendant had been sentenced to 25 years in prison by another Gacaca court for the same counts of indictment. Considered to be suspicious, this appearance before two courts for the same facts had led to new investigations.
"We noted that there had been dubious manoeuvres from the defendant and the (first) court", said a judge who preferred to remain anonymous.
© Hirondelle News Agency