The appelant was found guilty by the court of first instance and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment on September 12, 2006 but the penalty was cancelled by the Appeal Court and ordered a retrial on one count.
The court of first instance earlier found Muvunyi guilty of genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide and other inhuman acts. The appellate judges ordered a new trial for direct and public incitement to commit genocide on August 29,2008.
Muvunyi would be retried specifically on the remarks he made during a meeting at the commercial center of Gikore, in the Butare prefecture, southern Rwanda, in May 1994.
According to the Chamber's schedule, the new trial is expected to be completed two weeks after the commencement of the hearing.
If found guilty, he would not be sentenced to more than 25 years in prison, his previous penalty , according to the ruling of the Appeal Chamber.
© Hirondelle News Agency