Kigali, 18 March 2009 (FH) -  Rose Kabuye, Chief of Protocol of Rwanda's President Paul Kagame, returned to Paris yesterday where she is being  investigated by a French Judge for her alleged role in the shooting down of the plane carrying former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana on 6 April, 1994 which triggered the genocide.

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Ms Kabuye made an initial appearance in a hearing to determine the validity of Judge Bruguiere's accusations in Paris on January 28, this year. She returned to Kigali on February 15. She is out on bail.

The Rwandan government has urged France to expedite their investigations against Kabuye.

The Rwandan government has stated that Mrs Kabuye was innocent and deserved a speedy and fair trial. The position was reiterated by President Kagame in a BBC Interview with Stephen Sackur's talk show "Hard Talk" aired yesterday.

President Kagame maintained that the charges brought against Kabuye and eight other government officials were just "a farce", according to New Times of Rwanda.

Mrs Kabuye was arrested at Frankfurt International Airport on Sunday, November 9 and agreed to be transferred to France.

France is investigating the plane's shooting down because the two pilots of the plane were French.


© Hirondelle News Agency