Headquartered in Arusha, northern Tanzania, the ICTR has been mandated by the Security Council to arrest and try the alleged key architects of the 1994 genocide, which according to the UN estimates, claimed lives of nearly 800, 000 people, mainly ethnic Tutsis.
The Minister for Justice, Tharcisse Karugarama, outlined before the House the difficulties encountered in the application of the organic law of 16 March 2007 on the transfer to Rwanda of cases from the ICTR or foreign countries, according to a government statement availed to Hirondelle from Kigali
The amendment, however, must still be approved by the Senate before it was assented by the President.
The ICTR Prosecutor, Hassan Bubacar Jallow, has already declared his readiness to file new transfer motions if Kigali satisfies all the requirements.
Western countries have attributed decisions of the ICTR to reject Rwanda's extradition requests of genocide suspects.
© Hirondelle News Agency