Arusha, 29 September, 2009 (FH)--Judge Carmel Agius from Malta was sworn in Monday as an Appeals Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), trying key suspects of the 1994 genocide.

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The swearing-in ceremony was presided over by Justice Charles Dennis Byron, President of the Tribunal and witnessed by Mr Adama Dieng, the Registrar representing the United Nations Secretary-General, according to ICTR Press Release.

Judge Agius (64) started his career as Magistrate of the Maltese Court of Magistrates in 1977.   He later served as Judge of the Superior Court, Presiding Judge of the Criminal Court and member of the Constitutional Court.

He is also the founder of the Maltese section of the International Association of Judges.    Judge Agius represented the Maltese government at the United Nations negotiations on the Permanent International Criminal Court.  In 1999, he became Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Judge  Agius  held  a  position  of  Consultant  to the United Nations High Commission  for  Human  Rights  and Criminal Procedure in Katmandu, Nepal.

Judge Agius graduated with a Bachelors degree in English, Italian and Economics and obtained his law degree from the University of Malta in 1969.


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