Arusha, May 6, 2010 (FH)- An Ivorian who was condemned to death by hanging for killing his wife, a former staff member of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), has appealed the verdict to the Tanzanian Court of Appeal.

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Armand Guehi (41) was found guilty of murdering his wife Angele Kossiah Sama (33) by the High Court of Tanzania in Moshi, about 100 km away from the Tribunal's seat on March 30, 2010.   

The deceased also from the same West African state, was a bilingual secretary at the Tribunal when she met her death. The husband was then an intern at the same institution in Press and Public Affairs Unit.

High Court Registrar in Moshi, Aaron Lyamuya told Hirondelle News Agency Thursday that the convict lodged a notice of appeal on March 31, a day after the delivery of the judgment.

"Even if he would not have lodged the notice, his case would have been taken for appeal. All murder convictions must be verified by the Court of Appeal, the country's Supreme Court with final decisions on such cases," he said.

According to the evidenced adduced in court, the convict killed his wife between October 4 and 5, 2005 before dumped her body at Mkufi Estate, about 50 km, west of Arusha. A postmortem report indicated that the deceased died of serious spinal code injuries and bruises.


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