"At one time when the security agencies were closing in on Kabuga in Kenya, it was Karegeya who tipped him off to escape in return for large sums of money," Brigadier General Richard Rutatina, the defence and security advisor to the president and Lieutenant- Colonel Jill Rutaremara, the defence and military spokesman, claimed.
"It is strongly believed that the connection with Kabuga was through his daughter, a girlfriend to Karegeya," the duo further said in an article published on the website www.mykagame.com. In their "response to allegations by four renegades", the two high ranking military officers also attack former chief of Army staff, General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, former Kagame chief of staff Theogene Rudasingwa and Gerald Gahima former Prosecutor general.
In a document published in September, the four men, currently living in exile, called for Kagame's regime ouster, claiming it is "repressive" and dictatorial.
Rutaremara and Rutatina say that General Nyamwasa was characterized, when Chief of Staff, "by favoritism, irresponsibility and lack of accountability" in his leadership.
They describe Rudasingwa as "a renowned conman", citing several examples in their response, and state that Gahima is "currently wanted by Australian government to answer fraud charges".
© Hirondelle News Agency