Arusha, May 5, 2011 (FH) - Norwegian police arrested last Tuesday a 45-year-old Rwandan citizen suspected, among other charges, of genocide and complicity to commit genocide.

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Police did not reveal the man's name but according to Rwandan media it should be Sadi Bugingo, a fugitive for whom Rwanda had sent out an international arrest warrant in January 2008.

According to the Rwandan daily New Times, Bugingo allegedly killed people at the Economat général of Kibungo Diocese and at Kibungo Baptist Church. He is also accused of participating in the murders of Tutsi in various areas including Birenga, Zaza, and Nyakarambi.

Bugingo,a former businessman in Kibungo, is the second Rwandan to be arrested in Norway for an alleged role in the genocide after Charles Bandora was arrested in June 2010.

Bandora is currently on remand pending an investigation into his identity and possible extradition to Rwanda. He denies the charges against him and claims he was the victim of persecution in Rwanda in 1994.


© Hirondelle News Agency