‘'The Appeals Chamber affirms Renzaho's sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of his life,'' Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber Carmel Agius announced as the appellant listened standing from his seat.
The Trial Chamber had earlier convicted Renzaho of genocide, murder as crime against humanity and rape on July 14, 2009 and sentenced him to life imprisonment but in the appeal judgment the conviction of rape was reversed.
However the Appeals Chamber categorically stated that the reversals did not impact the sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber. "The crimes for which Renzaho remains convicted are extremely grave. These crimes include genocide, murder as crimes against humanity, and murder as serious violation of article 3 Common to Geneva Conventions and additional Protocol II,'' the judgement stressed.
According to the judgement Renzaho was confirmed of being responsible for ordering killings in various areas in Kigali-Ville prefecture including those of Tutsi refugees at Sainte-Famille Church.
Renzaho was the last official in the capital Kigali after the entire government fled to the south of the country in 1994. In spite of the collapse of the state, he remained at his post until the advancing pro-Tutsi RPF gained military victory.
© Hirondelle News Agency