Judge Ramaroson was assigned to the Appeals Chamber in May, 2011 alongside three other judges.
According to the statement issued by the ICTR Press and Public Affairs Unit, the assignment takes into consideration resolution 1878 (2009) of the United Nations Security Council, which provides that President may assign up to four additional permanent judges serving in the ICTR, Trial Chambers to the Appeals Chamber once their cases are completed.
Judge Ramaroson has been working for the ICTR for ten years. She just completed her last case, known as Butare Trial, involving six accused. All the six were convicted on June 24, 2011.
The other judges who will join the Appeals Chamber after completing their cases include the current President Judge, Khalida Khan from Pakistan, Tanzanian Judge William Sekule, presiding the case of former Rwandan Planning Minister Augustin Ngirabatware, and Russian Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedev who currently seats in the cases of former Rwandan minister for Youth Callixte Nzabonimana and former Rwandan Mayor Gregoire Ndahimana.
© Hirondelle News Agency