In a telephone interview from Tripoli with Hirondelle News Agency, Ocampo explained on Wednesday that Tripoli needed to file a request to the ICC, which indicted Saïf Gaddafi on June 27 for crimes against humanity, convincing the judges in The Hague that all logistical, judicial and political requirements for a fair and equitable trial were united in Libya.
"The President of the [Transitional National] Council told me they would address such a letter to the ICC judges. They respect the [international] Court", Ocampo said.
Immediately after Saïf Gaddafi was captured in southern Libya on November 19, the new authorities announced their intention to try him at home rather than to hand him over to the ICC.
Since, several Human Rights organizations have publicly raised doubts about Libya's capacity to guarantee a fair trial. "The ICC judges will have the final word on this", Ocampo declared.
For its part, Kenya, seeking to try six citizens accused of involvement in the post-electoral violence in 2008, has not succeeded over the past nine months in convincing the ICC judges of its capacity to conduct an impartial procedure.
"This case is different", Ocampo claimed. "In Kenya, they haven't investigated the six while, here, they bring a case against the same person targeted by the ICC".
In addition to Saïf Gaddafi, the ICC has indicted the former head of the military intelligence, Abdullah al-Senoussi. His arrest, announced by local authorities on Sunday, has still not been officially confirmed.
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