Arusha, December 8, 2011 (FH) -The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Hassan Bubacar Jallow, has asked the UN Security  Council to request Kenya and Zimbabwe to fully discharge their obligations in arresting genocide fugitives, Felicien Kabuga and Protais Mpiranya.

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Presenting his report on the progress and challenges facing the Tribunal in the implementation of the exit strategy on December 7, Jallow said that the joint ICTR-Kenya Police Task Force has been reactivated and operating since November 2010 to secure the arrest and transfer of Felicien Kabuga to ICTR for trial.   

"Kenya must cooperate fully with the ICTR to bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Reliable information received by ICTR indicates Mpiranya's presence in Zimbabwe. The security council should request both Kenya and Zimbabwe to fully discharge their obligations in this respect," he said.   

Kabuga, the alleged financier of the 1994 genocide and Mpiranya, who was commander of presidential guard in Rwanda, are among the remaining nine genocide suspects indicted by ICTR, who are still on the run. Jallow said that tracking and arrest of the fugitives remains one of priorities of prosecutor's office.     

According to him, he has continued diplomatic engagement with relevant states with a view to securing their cooperation in the tracking and arrest of the remaining fugitives. Such initiatives, he said, complement the continuous efforts of the Tracking Unit in his office.   

"I am hopeful that with greater cooperation from Member States of the Great Lakes Conference that many fugitives located in the territories of the Conference will be arrested and brought to account thereby serving the interests of global justice as well as regional peace and stability," he said.  


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