The Hague, May 15, 2012 (FH) - The prosecution at the International Criminal Court (ICC) presented on Tuesday his closing arguments in the cases of Germain Katanga et Mathieu Ngudjolo. The two rebel leaders are charged with seven counts of war crimes and three counts of crimes against humanity allegedly committed during an attack on the village of Bogoro on February 24, 2003. They deny all the charges.

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“In Bogoro, rebels massacred everyone”, deputy prosecutor told the Chamber in French. “Lendu and Ntigi were inhabited by Hema’s hatred”, he added. “Ngudjolo and Katanga wanted revenge”.

Wearing dark suits, Ngudjolo and Katanga listened silently to the closing arguments. Both have tried to prove during their trial that they were not in Bogoro when the crimes were committed.

The trial opened on November 24, 2009. Closing statement of legal representative of victims will be heard on Wednesday. Closing statement of the Defence is slated for May 21 and 22.