“The Security Council reiterates its call upon all States in a position to do so to cooperate with and render all necessary assistance to the International Tribunal for its increased efforts towards the relocation of acquitted persons and convicted persons who have completed their sentences,” reads Resolution 2054 (2012), which was unanimously adopted on Friday.
Finding host countries for these people is a major headache for the ICTR as it strives to meet completion targets for its work. ICTR President Vagn Joensen told Hirondelle on Wednesday that he and the Tribunal Registrar were stepping up diplomatic efforts to find them host countries.
Five persons whose acquittals have been confirmed on appeal are still housed in Arusha at the Tribunal's expense because they cannot find a host country. They include a general, three ex-ministers and the brother-in-law of the late Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana.
In Arusha, there are also two persons who have completed their sentences. Both of them are former Rwandan army officers.
In the same Resolution, the Security Council also urged States to intensify cooperation with and render all necessary assistance to the ICTR to achieve the arrest and surrender of all remaining fugitives as soon as possible.
There are nine fugitives who have been indicted by the Tribunal, notably the alleged financier of the 1994 genocide, Felicien Kabuga.
Taking note of the Tribunal's intention to complete its remaining judicial work by the end of 2014, the Security Council also decided to extend until December 31, 2014, the term of office of ICTR President Joensen.