Arusha, August 31, 2012 (FH) – A Court in Rwanda this week refused to grant provisional release to Rwandan pastor Jean Uwinkindi, while a French association announced that it was preparing new complaints against Rwandans living in France, accused of taking part in 1994 genocide.
Judge denies granting bail to Uwinkindi: On Wednesday, an Intermediate Court in Kigali denied the request for provisional release by Rwandan Pastor Jean Uwinkindi, accused of genocide and extermination. Presiding Judge John Byakatonda said the accused could escape justice due to the gravity of crimes allegedly committed. Lead Counsel for the defendant, Gatera Gashabana, said he would appeal the decision. Uwinkindi is accused of encouraging and leading the killings of Tutsis in his Kayenzi parish during the 1994 genocide.
Association announces new complaints against Rwandans: The Collectif des Parties civiles pour le Rwanda Tuesday announced that it was preparing new complaints against Rwandans living in the country’s territory, who are accused of taking part in 1994 genocide. This comes after an investigation mission conducted in Rwanda recently. The association has already filed before the French judiciary more than ten complaints, which are still pending.
Defence hearing resumes in Bemba trial: The defence in the case of Jean Piere-Bemba is expected on Monday to continue with presentation of its witnesses. Bemba, a Congolese senator and the leader of the Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC), is charged with crimes against humanity and crimes of war mainly for his command responsibility in crimes committed by his troops in Central African Republic between 2002 and 2003.