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Martin Schibbye is a journalist, one of the few covering the Lundin trial in Sweden. Photo: Schibbye stands alone at the entrance to courtroom 34 in Stockholm.
Martin Schibbye (journalist): “Sweden believed in Lundin”
Six months have passed since the start of the longest trial in Swedish history, which will last another two years. Time for a first assessment…
Alex Schneiter and Ian Lundin are on trial in Sweden for alleged complicity in war crimes in Sudan. Their lawyers are seeking to undermine the prosecution's case (sources and investigation). Courtroom drawing.
Lundin trial: defence attacks prosecution probe
It's the turn of lawyers for the second defendant, Swiss citizen Alexandre Schneiter, to present their arguments in the Lundin trial in Sweden. The defence…
Lundin trial in Sweden - Ian Lundin arrives in court on the opening day of the trial in Stockholm. He is suspected of complicity in war crimes in Southern Sudan.
Lundin, the trial that “should never have taken place”
The Lundin trial has now reached the end of its thirteenth week, with 90 weeks still to go. Torgny Wetterberg, defending Ian Lundin, on November…
Magnus Elving is the Swedish prosecutor who prosecuted the Lundin multinational for complicity in war crimes in South Sudan.
The Swedish prosecutor who challenged Lundin Oil
It was prosecutor Magnus Elving who opened the probe into Swedish oil company Lundin, accused of complicity in war crimes in southern Sudan. He is…
Lundin - The trial in Sweden is scheduled to last until 2026.
Lundin: serious, intimate, Sweden's longest trial sets up for the long haul
A sparse audience settled in to listen to prosecutors accuse - over 22 days - two big business bosses, in a trial due to end…
Swedish truth commissions on the way
...minority languages. A group of Swedes denouncing the industrial exploitation of the Sámi people's land as an extension of the historical abuses against this aboriginal…