Darwish: collecting evidence, to avoid revenge and another war in Syria

The Syrian lawyer Mazen Darwish talks to the media in Koblenz, Germany.
Syrian lawyer Mazen Darwish outside the courthouse where former Syrian intelligence officer Anwar Raslan stood on trial in Koblenz, in Germany, on January 13, 2022, on the verdict day. Photo: © Bernd Lauter / AFP
0 min 41Approximate reading time

For this hundredth episode of the podcast from our dear partners and colleagues at Asymmetrical Haircuts, our guest is Syrian lawyer Mazen Darwish, who is present and active in all the universal jurisdiction processes concerning Bashar al-Assad's regime. According to the former political prisoner, testing the evidence, collecting testimonies, for victims who have no access to international tribunals or justice in their own country, “is not only about the verdict, and not a revenge tool, but a tool to say this is what happened, this is true, this how we also preserve the narrative”. Darwish underlines the importance of the trials, including the forthcoming one in France, the role of the UN mechanism in particular for the missing persons families, and hopes that this work will help to avoid revenge and another war.

Asymmetrical Haircuts podcastASYMMETRICAL HAIRCUTS

This podcast has been published as part of a partnership between JusticeInfo.net and Asymmetrical Haircuts, a podcast on international justice produced from The Hague by journalists Janet Anderson and Stephanie van den Berg, who retain full control and independence over the contents of the podcast.