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Total : 12 results found
Global warming - Fire in a coniferous forest in Siberia (Russia)
COP 27: When Russian activists dare to take the Kremlin to court
...dark future. Recommended reading Redefining climate justice MAUD SARLIÈVE Maud Sarliève is a lawyer and lecturer at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre. She worked for the…
Armenia/Azerbaijan: What alternative to the law of the strongest?
...and forgotten in another impasse of international justice.  Recommended reading Now is the time to make transitional justice possible in Armenia MAUD SARLIÈVE Maud Sarliève…
Corporate responsibility: Switzerland says no but the UN must say yes
...beyond Switzerland, other initiatives, whether national or international, will eventually bear fruit and bring about a more progressive evolution of corporate responsibility law. MAUD SARLIÈVE…
Multinationals and human rights: do states understand the urgency of a treaty?
...Methven O'Brien suggests should be considered as "a living instrument". Such creativity can only be encouraged. MAUD SARLIÈVE Maud Sarliève is a lawyer and lecturer…
The best of Justice Info (2019-2020) lawyer Maud Sarliève. READ MORE DRC: IS THERE GENOCIDE IN ITURI? Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, is expected on Thursday…
Climate change: How to make corporations responsible? MAUD SARLIÈVE Maud Sarliève is a lawyer and lecturer at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre. She worked for the ECCC Office of Investigating Judges in…
Ecocide as an atrocity crime – an idea whose time is overdue
...however, the work to progress ecocide law – as well as the public-facing campaign we co-founded to support it – is rapidly accelerating. As Maud…
Justice Info's ASP external event: Ecocide, the ICC and multilevel litigation for a global crisis
...(Buchet/Chastel, 2017). --- Maud Sarliève Maud Sarliève is an international lawyer with a French twist. Even since she was licensed to practice, almost 15 years…
International criminal justice fails to meet the challenge of environmental crimes efforts in this area. MAUD SARLIEVE Maud Sarliève is a lawyer and lecturer at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre. She worked for the ECCC Office…
Polly Higgins, a major voice against environmental crime
...we have. That's what Polly Higgins, until her death, urged us to remember. MAUD SARLIEVE Maud Sarliève is a lawyer and teacher at the University…