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A criminal complaint has been filed against for money laundering in connection with war crimes. Photo: an accommodation offered by on which is written “Booking.occupiedterritories”.
Is profiting from war crimes in Palestine?
...its platform, including conflict regions. Its policy is to allow all providers to advertise their accommodation on the platform “as long as they obey the…
The International Criminal Court (ICC) team behind the arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas. Photo: Karim Khan, Brenda Hollis and Andrew Cayley.
Behind the scenes of the ICC Prosecutor’s coup d’éclat
...his announcement public in The Hague, on a Dutch public holiday. Many of those close to the investigation had speculated that the prosecutor could not…
ICC arrest warrants against Israel and Hamas. Photo montage of 3 flags: Hamas, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and Israel.
Israel/Palestine: the moment of truth justice serving Western powers. Today, with this request for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders as well as Hamas leaders, it sends a very strong…
Will there soon be trials for Yahya Jammeh's crimes in Gambia? - Photo: Gambian President Adama Barrow adopts a wait-and-see stance at a meeting of African countries belonging to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Gambia: the end of the wait-and-see strategy?
...a request for Jammeh’s transfer to the court,” Brody hoped.  It will be up to the Special Prosecutor to decide how to charge Jammeh but…
Irina Navalnaya trial in Russia. Photo: Navalnaya adopts a dreamy, feminine pose behind the glass of the dock. The young Ukrainian woman is accused of terrorism.
Navalnaya’s case: how Ukrainian civilians are tried in Russia
...leader Alexei Navalny, who died in prison in February 2024. “Do as we say” In August 2022, Irina Navalnaya traveled back from Berdichev to the…
Counting the victims - Photo: Yemeni children in a civilian builing destoyed during the war.
Counting the victims of a conflict: who does it, how?
What sources provide reliable information on the number of civilian and military casualties in a conflict? How are these figures collected, sorted and interpreted? This…
Russell Tribunal (citizen's tribunal): interview with Guillaume Mouralis - Illustration: portrait of Guillaume Mouralis.
Guillaume Mouralis: “law and justice can be powerful tools of emancipation”
...Tribunal was probably not able to carry out as thorough a field investigation as the Vietnam Tribunal, as access in China is by definition impossible.…
People’s Tribunal on the Murders of Journalists (Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague, Netherlands).
People’s tribunals: “Simply pressing a start button”
...Criminal Court (ICC). Sovereignty though can act as a shield preventing victims’ access to justice or trying to mould a set of events to fit…
Crime of starvation in Gaza: will the ICC act? - Photo: Palestinians crowd around a food distribution point in Rafah.
Starvation and potential ICC warrants on Gaza: what does international law say?
...besieging forces have deliberately cut off food supplies to starve out opponents, to weaken resistance and hasten surrender. The recognition of starvation as a criminal…
Thomas Kwoyelo at his trial in Uganda
Kwoyelo: “At no time did I kill any one”
...LRA) who had young children, to act as babysitters. Orders (within the LRA Command) on how the abducted young girls were to be distributed to…