Janet H. Anderson
International courts / Podcast partner
Janet H Anderson is one of JusticeInfo’s correspondents in The Hague. As a freelance journalist she's been covering international justice - Rwanda, The Hague, Sierra Leone, Uganda - for several decades. Janet trains and supports locally-based journalists in covering atrocity crimes trials, and has authored several manuals guiding journalists and monitors in their work. She's also the vice president of the Association of Journalists at the ICC. Together with JusticeInfo colleague Stephanie van den Berg, she co-hosts Asymmetrical Haircuts: a podcast offering a sideways look at international justice, interviewing mainly female experts in their fields.
Can the ICC survive the U.S. sanctions? (Part 2)
The upcoming U.S. sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) are throwing the court into unknown territory. They have the potential to disable the institution. Individuals working for or even interacting with the Court may find themselves subject to punishment. Banks and essential service providers may find it too risky to make business with the […]
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