Julia Crawford

Justice Info

Julia Crawford has been working as a journalist and translator for Justice Info since June 2015. She is an experienced journalist, editor and journalism trainer, specialized in African affairs and transitional justice. She has previously worked for SwissInfo.ch, Radio France International in Paris, as editor of the Hirondelle News Agency in Arusha, Tanzania, for IRIN in Nairobi, the Committee to Protect Journalists in New York and BBC Media Action in London.

Crimes against Afghan women drive push to recognize “gender apartheid”

Richard Bennett, UN Special Rapporteur on Afghanistan, told the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday that violations against women and girls in that country were “so severe and extensive” that “they may amount to crimes against humanity”. In Iran too, repression against women is systemic. Women protesters since September 2022 have been killed, imprisoned, raped, […]
By Julia Crawford (Justice Info)
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