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Total : 276 results found
Transitional justice in Ethiopia is flawed - Photo: a woman crosses a road seen from a military truck with a broken window, in the Tigray region.
Flawed transitional justice in Ethiopia
...Representatives of the Ethiopian federal government and the Tigrayan rebellion signed a peace agreement in November 2022, but its transitional justice component has remained a…
Yuri Harauski on trial in Switzerland for enforced disappearances in Belarus
Belarus “hit squad” member on trial in Switzerland for enforced disappearances
...component of international crimes. This is why Harauski is being tried in a St. Gallen cantonal court and not Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court, which would…
End of the Kabuga trial - The final curtain has fallen on the trial of Félicien Kabuga.
Final curtain falls on Kabuga trial
...the morning of May 16, 2020, when he was arrested in Asnières-sur-Seine, on the outskirts of Paris. The former businessman, considered Rwanda's richest man in…
Karim Khan, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), visits a camp set up for victims of the conflict in Darfur, Sudan.
ICC: the never-ending nightmare of Darfur's victims
...the “strong belief that the process of justice is an essential component in seeking a resolution to the still ongoing instability and violence that plagues…
Fulgence Kayishema (former Rwandan fugitive) appears at the Cape Town Tribunal in South Africa. He is indicted by the ICTR for his participation in the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda.
Rwanda: slowly, the justice net is closing on the last genocide fugitives
...imprisonment in 2007. MUNYANEZA Désiré. Tried and sentenced in Canada to life imprisonment in 2009. NKEZABERA Ephrem. Died in Belgium in 2009, after appealing a…
Inscription on a portal (in Arabic and French):
Adel Maizi: "Remembrance isn’t just about the past, it helps build the future"
...major recommendation relates to accessing, managing and exploiting the legacy of the IVD: digitized audiovisual archives and internal files of the Commission. The fifth component…
In a street whose buildings are completely devastated (Yarmouk district in Damascus, Syria), a distribution of food aid is organized for many refugees
Patrick Kroker: “They saw injuries nobody could have survived”, but also to add a sectarian component to the conflict. Unfortunately, this issue is not represented sufficiently in this trial. Moafak D. is charged…
Mikhail Kulikov trial, russian war prisonner
War crimes trial in Chernihiv: "There is an oath to carry out the commander's orders", before moving to her neighbour’s. After lunch, when it became quieter, she dared to return home and feed the chickens. That’s when she saw…
Prisoners of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic held by Ukrainian forces
Inside courts where Ukrainian judges try Ukrainian POWs
...territories? - No. - [What about] to feed yourself? There’s plenty of footage of stealing chickens… - No, we did not partake in that. -…
Two Yemeni children take the last bags of food from a truck as part of a feeding program.
Starvation, a war crime never yet punished, in Ukraine and elsewhere effort that also includes reconstruction, reparations, support for displaced communities and targeted humanitarian action. However, in our view it is time to make accountability…